1 = lim µ x 2x1 ¶ x !Get answer underset(n to oo)lim ((n^(2)n1),(n^(2)n1))^(n(n1)) Apne doubts clear karein ab Whatsapp par bhi Try it nowLời giải của GV Vungoivn \(\lim \left( {\sqrt {{n^2} n} n} \right)\) \(= \lim \dfrac{{\left( {\sqrt {{n^2} n} n} \right)\left( {\sqrt {{n^2} n} n
Lim n(2n+1)^2/(n+2)(n^2+3n-1)
Lim n(2n+1)^2/(n+2)(n^2+3n-1)- The smaller ε is, the larger this expression is Take N to be the next largest integer that is greater than ln (ε)/ln (1/2) Then for any number n >= N, (1/2) n < ε To see how this works it might be helpful to actually pick a number for ε, say ε = 001 Go through the same process as above to find an index N for which all of the terms in求极限 lim (n1/n2)^nn趋向无穷 扫码下载作业帮 拍照搜题一拍即得 答案解析 查看更多优质解析 举报 lim (n→∞) (n1)/ (n2)^n =lim (n→∞)1/ (n2)/ (n1)^n

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So your limit is the same as \lim_ {z\to\infty}\frac {\cos z1} {z^4} Now \cos z=\frac {e^ {iz}e^ {iz}} {2} For real z, the limit is If z → ∞, then also z i → ∞ and conversely So your limit is the same as limz→∞ z4cosz−1 Now cosz = 2eize−iz For real z, the limit isLim(√n 10−√n) lim ( n 10 − n) có giá trị là bao nhiêu?1 = 1 2 lim ‰ n 2n1 ¾ n !
So in this case, the limit has to be zero, because the denominator approaches infinity WAY faster *I also just noticed that factoring out the 2 n will also take out every single term in the numerator 2n4 = 2 (n2), so goodbye n2 term;IIT JEE 12 Determinants 5 If the sum of n terms of an AP is given by S n = n 2 n, then the common difference of the AP is KCET 6 The locus represented by x y y z = 0 is KCET 18 Three Dimensional Geometry 7 If f (x) = sin − 1 ( 2 x 1 x 2), then f' ( 3) is`=2/6=1/3` Vậy `lim\frac{1^22^23^2n^2}{n(n1)(n2)"=1/3` Leave an answer You must login or register to add a new answer Đăng Nhập Forget Remember Me Register;

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so we have lim n→∞ n ∏ k=1(1 k n2) ≤ lim n→∞ (1 n 1 2n2)n = √e Considering now the limit lim n→∞ n ∏ k=1(1 k − 1 n2) instead, we conclude lim n→∞ n ∏ k=1(1Experts are waiting 24/7 to provide stepbystep solutions in as fast as 30 minutes!*结果为:π/4 截图过程如下: 原式=lim(n>∞) ∑(i1>n) √(n^2i^2)/n^2 =lim(n>∞) (1/n) ∑(i1>n) √(1(i/n)^2) =∫(0>1) √(1x^2) dx =π/4 扩展资料求函数极限的方法: 利用函数连续性,直接将趋向值带入函数自变量中,此时要要求分母不能为0。

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